Halloween 2010 is fast approaching
Costuming is one of my passions and every year, the spouse and I start way in advance deciding what we are going to do for our Halloween costume. We like to find characters that are couples, or at least from the same era, movie or song. The biggest challenge is to find characters that appeal to us both (read – that I can convince the spouse to wear), that are original, and that are not too cold or revealing as late October tends to be cold.
This used to be relatively low key for us until one year we did characters from the movie Matrix. I costumed as Niobe (Matrix Reloaded).
I should mention that in our town, Halloween is huge and the entire town gets dressed up and heads to downtown bars and restaurants in costume (http://www.youtube/watch?v=1R_inKeSiyeM). Our favorite spot has a Costume competition. We won second place for our costumes that year much to our surprise and pleasure.
The next year, we decided to up the ante. First prize was the goal. We were characters from Pirates of the Caribbean. I went as Tia Dalma, the voodoo queen. Another second prize win was the result.

The next year, I decided cold or not, I WAS GOING TO WIN!!!! We went with the vampire theme using the movie "Queen of the Damned" and I dressed as the Aaliyah character. Yet another second prize!!!!

This year, we are going for broke. Not sure what we are going to do yet, but the Na'Vi are looking good! And I don't care how cold or naked I have to get . I am sure it will be a winner ;D